I don’t know about you, but I LOVE when a new month starts on a Monday. It’s like the freshest start ever. It’s basically January 1st. A clean slate. A blank page. NO WAIT, 31 blank pages for this beautiful month of August, just waiting for me to write on them. I usually start the month with GREAT intentions of making it none other than, the BEST. MONTH. EVER. …and by the time I’m halfway through week 1, I’m pushing snooze (which means missing early morning workouts that have to get squeezed in somewhere else in the crazy day), missing meals, forgetting to drink my water, running late to everywhere I need to be, and just RUSHING here and there and everywhere, snacking on things I probably shouldn’t be eating and hitting Starbucks way too often. Before I know it, the day is over, I get to bed late and the process starts all over the following day. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. I lose.


I know things happen. Life happens. And it’s okay. I’m not going to beat myself up over missed workouts and missed meals. If everyday were perfect, there would be no perfect days. But I CAN tell you that I am going to intently try to SLOW DOWN, and stop being in a rush all.the.freaking.time. I will intently try to get to bed early, wake up early, workout early, eat healthy, drink my water (just like the usual plan each month). But this month I am going to try a little harder. Nobody can do this for me. It’s entirely up to me. How bad do I want this? Bad enough to push snooze every morning? Ummm, no.


So starting today, this beautiful first day of August, I invite you to join me. Let’s make this month the best month of 2016. Let’s make ourselves proud. If we want it, we have to work for it. It’s not going to be easy. But it WILL be worth it. If you get off track, it’s totally okay. Don’t beat yourself up. Just pick up where you left off and jump right back on. If you slip up and eat something you shouldn’t have, it’s okay. Just make healthy choices for your next meal. Don’t let it turn into an entire day or weekend of indulging. You’ll just set yourself back and most likely feel pretty miserable. Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to be closer to where you want to be. There is no shortcut. It takes time to build a better, stronger version of yourself.  And no matter what you do, keep going. The minute you think of giving up, remember why you started. Keep your eyes on your goals and work like crazy to reach them.

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If you don’t know where to start or feel lost on this journey, I would love to help motivate you and point you in the right direction the best I can. Please don’t hesitate to send me a message through the CONTACT ME link here on my website.

Have a happy, healthy, strong, focused, August!
