For us, the most challenging part of working out is TIME!!! I know, that is a bad excuse and if I REALLY wanted it bad enough, I would have woken up at 4am when the alarm clock went off, right? Wellllllllll, I didn’t… so now what?

Don’t worry, there is still hope! Just do SOMETHING! Don’t let the voices in your head talk you out of it. Of course your mind does not want to do it! It is HARD and it’s human nature to try and avoid obstacles in your day. That is probably because you know you have to get ready, drive to the gym, get in a full workout, and then get ready to tackle the rest of the day when instead you could get in a few extra hours of zzzzzz’s. Well now you can change the way you think of it. You don’t HAVE to do a full routine every single day. Just TAKE ACTION and complete something. Even if it’s 60 seconds of all out exercise, get it in! A recent study has shown that just ***60 SECONDS*** of all out strenuous exertion is comparable to a 45 minute moderate exertion workout. Say what??? SIGN ME UP FOR THE 60 SECOND ROUTINE!!! 😉 They compared individuals over a 12 week span! What’s a day or two then, right? This study was done at McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario if you would like to look it up for more facts. This was a great read and a HUGE deal for me!!! I truly enjoy working out so I will not be SOLELY implementing a workout regimen that is 60 seconds a day, but it makes me feel a lot better knowing that I can get a quick 60 seconds of cray cray workout in and be at a better place than excepting a loss of a day training. I do something similar all the time if I don’t have time to fit in a full workout. It usually ends up being a little bit longer than 60 seconds but sometimes it is under ten minutes. I also get my hubby and our boys involved so everyone gets something out of it. I recently posted a “mini WOD” example that we did after our workout, which is the exact type of workouts I perform at home when I don’t have time to make it to the gym. If you would like to check it out, click HERE. The point here is, don’t let time stop you in your journey or goals. What you DO defines YOU. If you don’t have time to make it to the gym, get down and do pushups until you can’t anymore, do sit-ups until your stomach cramps up, do planks until you fall, and then do 20 burpees. That should be at least 60 seconds and then go on about your day feeling successful!

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As always, please feel free to message me if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way in your health and fitness journey. We are in this together!

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